tonari lab explores novel uses of tonari in relation to communities, families, education, and disabilities. Through a series of experiments and events, we hope to share learnings and stories that demonstrate what the future may look like as tonari and similar technologies become more broadly accessible across society.

Blog posts

Lab Report

Dec 2021

tonari lab report #1 | tonari blog


Oct 2021

Introducing 'tonari lab' | tonari blog


tonari lab experiments

Press and media

Peace Boat

葉山と代々木の親子が隣りにいるように繋がって、、、 | ピースボートおりづるプロジェクト

Get involved

We're inviting non-profits, social ventures, and individuals to help organize and participate in experiments from now until March 2022.

Apply to host an experiment

Sign up to join an experiment